Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nobody's Perfect, Especially Me

            I have never cared much for perfectionists. You know the type I mean – the ones whose houses are immaculate, not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere; the Type A overachievers who are involved in, and probably leading, everything…perfectly.  People like that make me nervous. Self conscious.  I’m pretty much a slob. I avoid perfectionists whenever possible.
            Imagine my shock then, when somewhere in the middle of my life I became aware that I too am a perfectionist! Not in the classical sense, but a perfectionist, nonetheless. I constantly measure myself against the perfect standard and find myself wanting. I see my inadequacies and feel ashamed. I try to avoid exposing my imperfections and often live in fear of being discovered as the mess I really am.
            Modern psychology would say that I suffer from low self esteem, sometimes referred to as an inferiority complex. The solution, then, would be to learn to accept myself, to embrace who I am and to value myself as a beautiful and unique person. 
            I see things a bit differently. I now try to recognize every pang of inadequacy as a reminder of the standard of perfection I am incapable of reaching. I view it as a gentle nudge from God telling me that I can stop the struggle and rest in Him. I am beginning to understand that chasing after self esteem is a dead end, a tool for those who haven’t discovered the blessed relief which is only found in God esteem. When I accepted Jesus’ righteousness in place of my own, God esteemed me as perfect. I am perfect in God’s sight. No other opinion really matters. When I remember that, I can relax and let go of the shame and fear of exposure. Then I can gratefully allow God to work in me, creating the masterpiece he wants to make of me – not by my vain efforts to be good enough, but by his transforming love.

You examine your humanity
Under a microscope
And feel ashamed.
Your tender conscience
Cannot bear
The imperfections
You find there
And so you hide
Like the first man
After the fall,
Afraid of exposing
Your nakedness
To all.
Yet all are naked...
Most unaware.
Sometimes you envy the freedom
They find there,
To walk unclothed and
Without shame...
To live without accepting blame.
This conscience is a gift of God
To draw you to the cross
Where Jesus nailed your humanity
And gave you his divinity
Which covers all.
Now you can walk in freedom
Wearing Jesus' robe
And bearing Jesus' name.


  1. Beautifully written. I think the problem is that there aren't more Type B folks like us out there! No? Ok, maybe you're right then, we need Jesus... :)

  2. Maybe a little of the first and a LOT of the second. Love you, All.Natural.Hutchesons:-)
